30 April 2011

The Little Things In Life

You know...its the little things in life that make it so darn great!
For example,
I was having a completely terrible day today. I "woke up on the wrong side of the bed". Things seemed to go from bad to worse as the day continued, but I kept pressing on.
This evening I went and helped the activities committee make laurels for the upcoming greek themed disco we will be having at the YSA conference in Crimea next weekend. There things started looking up. I love my Ukrainian friends! A special thanks to Lena, Katya, Nata, Vika, Ira, Yulia, Dima, and Vitalik for a great time. And for dinner.

The little things that made my day:
-Incredible music!
-The McDonald's manager helping me with my Russian. <3
-Ice in my coke
-Oreo McFlurry(just arrived in Ukraine last week and happens to be my favorite!)
-Barbecue sauce with my french fries
(Yes McDonalds made me very happy tonight)
-Walking home after a rainstorm(it smelled amazing!)
-Being gawked at by a group of Ukrainians for speaking English.
-Hearing English from a group of picnickers this morning on my run.
-Birds singing all day.
-Buying 18 eggs for 80 cents USD
-Watching a huge pack of wild dogs crossing busy streets together.
-The trolleybus arriving the exact same time I did to the bus stop :D
-Getting to talk to my sister and realizing that she misses me as much as I've always missed her!

It's the little things in life!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw I love you so much. When are you coming home again? I wanna be there at the airport to give you a huge hug!! Love and miss you sooo much. ttyl