17 December 2011

Lazy Days

Sometimes you just need a lazy day. Or two. Sleep in all day. Do next to nothing. How relaxing.
But now I'm ready to get back to life. One thing that I've remembered while doing nothing is how much I need to do something. I need to be working on something. Always striving to be better. Today I didn't do that and I feel like a bum. Better today than yesterday! Starting now. I'm excited for tomorrow, well now today. Its Sunday and the perfect day for me to reflect, evaluate, and set goals. And then I get to start fresh on Monday.
This is exactly what I needed. I got so sucked into my life, surviving work and trying to make everyone else happy that I seemed to have forgotten about myself. Time to make sure I have my oxygen mask on. I need to build myself up too. Not just others. Otherwise I will have no strength to give to others.
Thanks to all of my amazing friends who have supported me, uplifted me, guided me, inspired me, and who still love me even on my worst days. I want to grow up to be just like you!

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