Day 1(Monday): Went to old consulate address. Oops. Epic fail. Such a little thing can be devastating when their working hours are only 9-12 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. That night I found the consulate, so I would know exactly where to go the next morning.
Day 2(Tuesday): Went to the consulate, had the guy at the "reception" desk my paperwork. He asked me why I wanted to go to Ukraine. I answered. He looked over my papers and handed them back to me with a small slip of paper with a bank name, address, and microscopic map. I was told how much it would cost, and that I needed to go to that bank to pay and then come back with the receipt. Got lost going to the bank. (I seem to be really good at getting lost).
Day 3(Wednesday): Third time's a charm! Went to the consulate, handed same man all of my paperwork including receipt. He said "Come back between 2 and 3. We're closed tomorrow, make sure you come back today" I guess he didn't get the memo that I'm here for another week and a half ;) Went back at 2, new man handed me my passport with a beautiful new visa in it! Happy day!!!!
I'm glad I don't have to worry about that anymore. And it wasn't scary at all. Now I'm free to just relax and enjoy the rest of my vacation. Although I'm starting to miss Kyiv. I met a girl at the consulate from the states who was also getting a visa today. We became fast friends. Her and her husband were speaking Russian and I've never been happier in my life. I was surprised at how much I understood and how incredibly happy it made me just to listen. I can't wait until I can speak it someday. She showed me a Polish "Walmart". And we have big plans for a bucket at KFC. Life is good!
I also met up with my bestie Felicity and her awesome mom and her cute brother Spencer. I love them to pieces! WE walked around the city center and checked out a bakery where I accidentally ordered a whole cake instead of just a piece. Oops. Oh the joys of language barriers. Haha. I love my life!
I did a lot of shopping today too. I bought several things that I've been wanting and needing for awhile and I got pretty incredible deals on some of them. I bought new boots(Mock UGGS...$20-score!) A "leather" jacket($12-AMAZING!!!) A super cute shirt that I'm uber excited about($15). A perfect little wallet that I already love more than anything ($5) [I'm thinking I should buy a back up or two ;)]
I also bought Jenessa's hoodie. And found a folding nail file(impossible to find) at a random store. I lost mine a couple years ago and my life has been incomplete ever since(шучу). It was a GREAT shopping day though!
And I can't forget about the food!
Today I had Polish Poland! And it was AMAZING!
It came from a sweet stand in the city center on the rynok.
That has serious amounts of meat.
I also ate at Yummie's(Krakow's version of Chili's)
I got a NY Strip Steak. It was divine.
For sweet treats today I tried some ice cream. Strawberries and cream flavored.
And a waffle cone roll with sweet cream filling.
Plus that cake I accidentally ordered. :)
Cool blog!
How long do you get to stay in Ukraine now?
I'm so glad you got your visa! Your adventures sound amazing... I'm really, really happy for you :D
"Oops. Oh the joys of language barriers. Haha. I love my life!")))
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